Meshworlding and a "Gossamer Gossip" Modulus

As you suggest, in the soft vacuum of inner space the aramids emitted by the world-weaver must first harden into a loose web, and only then can they form the mesh.  Given that the increase in tensegrity that meshworlding implies further enables these eager attercops in their eyeland invasions, how, I wonder, might we begin to theorize the more frankly epistemontological aspects of their biosynthetic symmetry?  Thanks to my recent experiments in the wombology of cosmopolitan bipedal primates, for my part I am drawn to wonder if the ultimate tensile strength of inner space meshworlds depends less on dimensionless numbers like the Weibull modulus and more on some sort of a “gossamer gossip” modulus.  It is, however, possible that perhaps instead here I have simply lost the thread...?

The Wombat Hypercube Theory

Sorry if this question seems tangential.  As you may know, theorizing scale is very important right now among arboreal herbivorous marsupials, possibly due to the psychic trauma caused by Pluto’s recent loss of status as a planet.  If clearing your orbital zone and assuming a central gravitational role is key to qualifying as a planet, then couldn’t small stature, a diet high in tannins, and a global surplus of eucalypts cause some analogous failure to koalafy?  Indeed, your inclusion of folding tesseract stairways to nowhere recalls for me the well-known Wombat Hypercube theory, by which any regular octachoron can be converted into a hypersphere of equivalent spin in seventy-three easy steps.  So, my question is this: given the importance of tessellated polytopes among burrowing herbivorous marsupials, how can you justify your assertion that gas planets are the measure of small things?

Putting the Yoda in Stasis Philosophy

This is more of a comment than a question.  We are all familiar with deduction, induction, and abduction, but transduction is new to me.  I’m particularly interested in your concept of yoda, vital to a vibrant stasis philosophy which can critique the established ideology of process, evolution, and so-called “change” in general.  The yoda, as you suggest, is a set of antennae attuned to the transduction not of body and mind – as, say, the Hindu jiva is – but instead of mind and mind.  Given the correct polarization and the proper alignment of both ergosphere and ludisphere, this yoda the key to parallel consciousness might be.  But, while they are mathemagical, physiognomic, and incredibly satisfying to me as a practicing stasis philosopher, your equations lack a concept for the transduction of body and body, a concept we might be tempted to call jabba.  Care to comment on that?

The Baby Space Elephant Problem

As you may know, in my own work I often deal with this “baby space elephant problem”.  Given that, according to the most recent findings in wombology, baby space is itself only four-dimensional, the recent intrusion of higher-dimensional pachyderms may come as a surprise.  Of course, with the demonstrated wombological existence of little princes and little princesses, we should have simply assumed the existence of little palaces, little peasants, and those little pink elephants most frequently associated with drinking too much Belgian beer.  If, on the one hoof, the pachyderm is an obsolete zoological category and, on the other, the dual resonance model has replaced the d-brane with the p-brane, is – and here’s my question – the baby space elephant problem susceptible to an instantonic solution?

On the Possibility of an Orgasmotropic Escape Velocity

I’m particularly interested in the tidal forces at play around this singularity. While I cannot hope to see beyond the event horizon of the “I” here, it occurs to me to ask: if black holes lead to white holes, where do green holes lead? Correct me if I’m wrong, but given that the ratio of squiggle to swirl is inversely proportional to the frame-dragging rate, I do believe that the radiant energy is being produced less by an ergosphere – with its famed capacity for cosmic work – than by a ludisphere, that is, by some unheard of mechanism for producing cosmic play. To cut to the chase: what, in your opinion, are the prospects for attaining an orgasmotropic escape velocity?